Good question! We’re glad you asked.
I’m involved at my church, why do things with MCU as well?
There are no ‘compartments’ to your Christian life – you’re a Christian wherever you are (Romans 12:1-2). You don’t press ‘pause’ while you’re at uni and press ‘play’ again when you’re at church events or with church friends (or at least we hope you don’t!).
MCU doesn’t replace your involvement at your church. MCU is a bonus to your Christian life. MCU will ‘value-add’ to your Christian experience. You’ll meet lots of new people, make and enjoy wonderful new, life-long friendships, you’ll be encouraged and challenged and, through your involvement and input, you’ll also encourage and spur others on. You will be blessed and be a blessing. You’ll actually discover that your church-life will be enhanced because you’ve been involved with MCU at uni.
Also, university is a place for thinking hard about the subjects you are studying in your course, but is also a great place to think deeply about God and His ways. University will test you and your Christian faith in many ways. MCU will develop your ‘spiritual muscles’ so that you’ll not just survive your time at uni, but thrive and grow as a well-thought-out Christian ready for the workplace and for life in 21st century Australia. MCU can do this so well because we’re at a similar stage of life, around the same age, wrestling with similar issues, and at the same uni.
Join in-you won’t regret it!
Won’t I be too busy to get involved with MCU?
You’ll find that you actually have lots of gaps in your timetable which makes joining in with MCU things very easy.
Every year, students from across the spectrum of faculties ranging from Vet, Nursing, Chiro and other science courses at the ‘intensive’ end of the scale to some of the more, umm, ‘relaxed’ courses (which shall remain nameless!) get involved.
The old saying “you’ll never find time for anything – you have to make time!” applies to MCU as well.
As you already know with other things in your life, if you ‘lock it in’ to your weekly routine, you will have no trouble fitting in your uni stuff and MCU activities too.
Make the decision to join in with MCU and you’ll find that MCU can easily fit into your life. Honestly!
Come and talk to the upper year students already involved with MCU and listen to what they say.
MCU really is a bonus to your uni life!
See you soon!
Are you a church?
Let’s begin with what we are not…
– MCU is not a part of any church or denomination.
– MCU is not run by, or for, any church or denomination.
– MCU is not a ministry of any church or denomination.
Therefore, MCU will not replace or minimize your involvement with your own local church (quite the opposite, actually!)
Well, where does MCU fit in?
MCU is made up of Christian students who are studying at Murdoch University
We are Christians from churches all over Perth who want to meet together to grow as Christians at uni and help others at Murdoch come to understand the good news about Jesus.
MCU students gather during the free slots that we have in our timetables each week during semester.
Groups just like MCU exist in Universities on every uni across Perth (see, around Australia, and internationally.
We are affiliated with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) + other groups on all the uni’s in Perth We are also affiliated with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES)
We are an official ‘Affiliated Club’ with the Murdoch Guild of Students and have been since Murdoch Uni opened its doors in 1975 MCU has existed since the very first week that Murdoch University began in 1975! We are therefore one of the – if not the – longest running clubs on campus.
Come and join in with us!
I’m not a Christian – can I come to MCU things?
Yes! Absolutely!
One of the reasons MCU exists is to enable people who aren’t Christians to learn more and discuss Christianity while they are at uni. You will be warmly welcomed and find everything we do centred around the Bible. You are very welcome to come to everything we run.
Please make contact with us soon 🙂
Doesn’t ‘inter-denominational’ mean you’re a bit ‘wishy washy’ or even ‘dodgy’?
Every Christian goes to a local church. Local churches come in a wide variety of ‘flavours’ or denominations. Although there is a diversity in things like musical style, church government, how often you have communion, etc., those things are what the Bible describes as secondary matters – ie. not the most important stuff. True Christian unity, however, is in the essentials of Biblical Christianity – those things that the Bible says that a person must wholeheartedly agree with in order to be called a genuine Christian.
MCU is an ‘evangelical’ group. The word ‘evangelical’ is regularly misused in the media (because it’s completely misunderstood). ‘Evangelical’ simply means we are committed to the Biblical ‘gospel’: salvation by faith alone, in Christ alone, through grace alone, as clearly taught in the Bible alone. Every evangelical Christian and evangelical church will share the same convictions as us.
So…MCU is inter-denominational, multi-denominational, and non-denominational – all at the same time! We are a ‘para-church’ group(ie ‘along-side’ churches). We are an evangelical club on campus – we are not a church. We are united in our fellowship in Christ because of the gospel. Hence the name of our group is: Murdoch – Christians – United!
Having said that, it’s always wise to be clear about who any Christian group is, so, if you still aren’t quite sure of who we are, we invite you to read ‘What we believe’ then perhaps contact someone to ask some more questions and to come along to one of our events. You’ll find a group of students just like you discussing what the Bible says and how it should be lived out.
Please come along even if you just want to have a look.