MYC is one of the most significant things we run every year and is the ‘must go’ event on the calendar.
We combine with all the other Christian Unions from all the other Universities in Perth which adds to its impact.
Held in the long mid-year break, we spend 5 days together delving into the Word of God and thinking carefully about one big Bible topic.
This is a Conference like no other you have ever been on, or will ever go on again.
It is a custom-made Christian conference specifically designed for university students.
Past MYC topics have included…The Holy Spirit, Guidance, The Cross, The Trinity, The Resurrection, Grace, The Gospel of Mark, Ethics, and many others.
MYC is NOT to be missed!
The Mid Year Conference brochure usually comes out in the middle of semester 1, so keep a sharp eye out for it (although the upper years will keep reminding you to go!).