Every Thursday MCU sets up our Stall on Bush Court for ‘Market Day’.
Our Stall is our ‘shop-front’ where you can meet us and say ‘Hi!’.
Come and meet some of the MCU-ers at our table. You can get more info about MCU, ask specific questions about what we do, give us your contact details, and generally hang out and discuss whatever’s on your mind or what’s been happening in your life.
Come and sit in our Gazebo and make some new friends.
Don’t be shy – everyone is nervous at first! …come and introduce yourself soon.
Our stall is a great place to meet someone (perhaps for the first time in your life) who takes the Bible and claims of Jesus seriously. You can grab a free New Testament, borrow a book, ask as many questions as you have, or even try to talk us out of being Christians!
University is a great place to test everything and question the validity of the ‘world view’ you have personally taken on-board (knowingly or unknowingly) via your parents, family, friends, society, and media (no matter what country you’ve been raised in).
There’s nothing more important that engaging deeply with the biggest issues of all – things like love, forgiveness, reconciliation, mercy, grace, judgement, righteousness, salvation, hope, a fresh start, peace, etc., so please make the most of our stall. We’d love to meet you.
Please Note: From 12:30-1:20 every Thursday, we head to room 440.1.036 for our Campus Bible Talk
See you soon!